Puppet Masters
Puppet Masters, many say it is truly the last frontier. We've gone about Sexorcizing things in completely the wrong way, and this show calls us out on it. I'll use a real life example, yesterday I saw the ghost of a Pterodactyl having sex with a lamp post. Yes the lamp post made no attempt to fake an orgasm and just sat there, but we all know what's really going on. The Pterodactyl's SSE (Spiritual Sexual Energy) was too strong, and clearly required a Sexorcism. What did we do though? We hurled stale catfish at him like we always do, and that solves nothing.
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Category: Mystery
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Date Added: Jul 04, 2013
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Status: Ongoing
Update Frequency: Unknown
Rank: 772
Total views: 1631
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Ep. 1 - Episode 1
Jul 04, 2013
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