Night Shift Nurse: Kazama Mana
This anime focuses on Kazama Mana, the main character of Yakin Byōtō 2. She works for a sanatorium as an intern nurse. Mana looks up to Nightingale, and she wants to be an angel in white like her. But Mizukawa Wataru, the patient whose days are numbered, says to her that there is no angel and begins to make her the center of a sex game.
Alternative Name: Anime Kazama Mana
Writer: -
Director: -
Tagges as: -
Date Added: Jul 04, 2013
Release on: -
Status: Ongoing
Update Frequency: Unknown
Rank: 334
Total views: 10079
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Ep. 1 - Episode 1
Jul 04, 2013
Not yet rated