Bible Black New Testament

Bible Black New Testament

Several years had passed after Walpugis Night, consecutive bizarre murder cases occurred in the metropolitan. The discovered dead bodies are couples considered to be murdered during sexual intercourse. The women didn’t have external injury, but men were completely burned and carbonized except certain parts…male genitals. To solve the mysterious incident, a special detective team called “Tokken” was deployed. Among its members was Imari, who had experienced Walpugis Night personally. During their investigation they uncover the mysterious "Spear of Longinus" and strange sex cult.

Alternative Name: New Bible Black: The Spear of Longinus

Writer: -

Director: -

Category: Bondage, Rape, Supernatural, Yuri

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Date Added: Jul 04, 2013

Release on: -

Status: Ongoing

Update Frequency: Unknown

Rank: 19

Total views: 42485

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